Rebirth of a traditional company

SES Energiesysteme GmbH was first founded in 1901 in the area of Leipzig Plagwitz by establishing the motor factory Reform Motoren Fabrik GmbH. In those days the company manufactured Otto engines and diesel engines used as drives in production machines.
In 1948 the production site was transformed into the nationally-owned enterprise VEB Dieselmotorenwerk Leipzig (DML). They manufactured diesel engines used in shipbuilding, emergency power generators as well as electrical stations used in refrigerated vehicles and power aggregates.
Today, CHP plants are built in Leipzig again
After the German reunification in 1989 and the Fall of the Eastern Bloc the company was no longer successful in export business. Important sale markets were no longer available and soon DML was held in trust. After the ownership had changed, the company expanded its business.
Thanks to the 110 employees - among them the engine specialists of DML - the company soon presented unique technological novelties: they produced large CHP plants, which ran on biogas and produced heat and power.
SES was established in 1998 and employed the highly experienced CHP specialists of the former diesel engine factory DML in Leipzig.
SES started as affiliated company of MDE in Augsburg and focused on the maintenance of environment friendly combined heat and power plants. Further on, the company expanded its business area and finally included the production of SES CHP plants.
Today we manufacture CHP plants on our own production site - again in Leipzig. On five different locations in Germany we employ around 100 people and are gradually expanding our service offer.
Since 2022 we also install heat pumps and solar thermal plants
We build combined heat and power plants as strong as a mammoth. Together with other technologies from the field of renewable energies, we build highly efficient and climate-friendly energy systems.
> to our range of products and services