Heat pumps

Heat pumps for climate protection

Around three-quarters of the energy needed for heating comes from the environment. To be able to use the environmental heat, heat pumps need electricity. If the electricity is obtained from renewable sources, the heat pump is CO2-neutral (source: Bundesverband Wärmepumpen e.V.).

After more than 25 years of experience in the CHP sector, more and more in complex plant construction, in 2022, we decided to expand our product range and included heat pumps. We offer them individually or in combination with other technologies such as combined heat and power plants. In the course of the project we take care of the complete project coordination and turnkey plant construction. The use of heat pumps in connection with innovative combined heat and power (CHP) ist promising and future-oriented.

We build project-specifically

Depending on the individual project requirements, we use different manufacturers and types of heat pumps, e.g.:

  • Air-water heat pump: extracts heat from the near ambient air (outside air, room air or the exhaust air of an industrial process) and transfers it to a hot water heating system;
  • Water-air heat pump: draws heat from groundwater, the sea, other surface waters (such as rivers) or waste heat from industrial processes and transfers it to an air heating or air conditioning system;
  • Air-to-air heat pump: extracts heat from the surrounding air and transfers it to an air heater or air conditioner;
  • Water-water heat pump: extracts heat from groundwater, the sea or other surface water (such as rivers) and transfers it to a hot water heating system; the cooling water of an industrial process can also serve as a heat source.

Would you like to know more?

Please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.